
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)


Title Author Year arrow_drop_up
Sufferings of John Turner, chief mate of the country ship, Tay, bound for China, under the command of William Greig, including the seizure of him and six Lascars in the cutter, and their captivity and danger amongst the Ladrones : with a description of the strengh, discipline, manners, &c. of these pirates, their depredations and conduct towards their prisoners : also a curious account of Peter Serrano, who having escaped from Shripwreck ...
Tegg, Thomas,author 1809
Juizes e mais officiaes do Senado da Camara da cidade de Macáo : Eu o Principe Regente vos envio muito saudar : Sendo-me presente os bons serviços, que me tendes feito não só em mandar a este porto hum navio ...
Johnautor 1810
The Evangelical magazine and missionary chronicle.
Narrative of a pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary : from the frontiers of China to the frozen sea and Kamtchatka : performed during the years 1820, 1821, 1822, and 1823
Cochrane, John Dundas,author 1824
The Evangelical magazine and missionary chronicle.
The Evangelical magazine and missionary chronicle.
The Evangelical magazine and missionary chronicle.
The Evangelical magazine and missionary chronicle.
Sketches of China : partly during an inland journey of four months, between Peking, Nanking, and Canton : with notices and observations relative to the present war
Davis, John Francis,author 1841
The Evangelical magazine and missionary chronicle.

Showing 1 to 10 of 33 results